
Currently, I’m stuck in the northwest terminal of the Detroit airport, waiting 6 hours for our flight to Amsterdam. Our 3:00 flight was canceled, we were not aware. Although, if you’re going to be stuck in an airport, the northwest terminal of the Detroit airport is a pretty good one to be stuck in.
When our plane finally gets here, it’s a 7:45 minute flight to Amsterdam, then an 8 hour layover, then a 2 hour flight to Barcelona. We’ll be traveling for oh, about 24 hours. When we do finally get to Barcelona, we’ll have just enough time to crash at the hotel, before boarding our ship, for our 12 day Mediterranean cruise.

Totally worth it, I’d say.

The photo above is a mess of lace knitting. Member over a year ago, when I started the Charlotte’s Web Shawl? I decided it was time to be done. I knit 3 full skeins into it, and it had just been sitting around since, so I finished it. It is now blocked, and beautiful. Photos when I get around to it.

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8 Responses to Airported.

  1. Chris says:

    Oh, have fun – when you finally get there! Spain sounds absolutely wonderful.

  2. Ava says:

    Uh . . . you completely have my sympathy with Detroit. It is the worst, bar none, airport in the country for flights being canceled and delayed. My husband flies for his job and we have a joke whenever he has to travel to Detroit that I’ll see him when I see him. The cruise itself may be shorter than your stay in Detroit (kidding!).

  3. Amanda says:

    Have a great time!! Will you by chance be stopping in Turkey at all? They have a crusise ship port in a town called Izmir that K and I spent a couple of days in. Also, some great ruins in Ephesas (sp?).

  4. I hope you have a fantastic time! I hope you where able to bring your knitting! Your trip sounds amazing, and worth all that traveling 🙂

  5. Gina says:

    My goodness! Did you bring enough yarn for all that airport/airplane time??

  6. carolyn says:

    dude. i am still waiting to see a photo of the whiskey sweater……..

  7. Cheryl says:

    Have fun! And take a lot of pictures!

  8. Ronni says:

    Hope your having a fabulous cruise enjoying all the sights and searching out new and exotic yarns we’ve yet to see on this side of the Atlantic.

    Love the colors in the Charlotte’s Web Shawl and am wondering if you are using same color for entire shawl and what colors you are using…It’s absolutely gorgeous.