Happy Birthday Mike!

My brother turns the big 2-1 today! It’s all downhill from here Mikey!

This is him just Wee, and about 3-4 days old….

That’s my post pardum Mumma holding him, Shannon in the middle, and Me, all smiles on the end there. My dad’s behind the camera.
My poor Mum, this kid was a 10lb baby, a forceps birth, and he was two weeks late to boot.
I remember his first birthday, he was covered head to toe in icing and cupcake, I remember Shannon and I laughing our little butts off, and my grandma was hysterical, Michael was her special little guy.
These photos crack me up, he always had a sweet tooth, to this day no Ice Cream is safe….
“Don’t worry, I’ll just get my own cupcake”

“Damn, that was some good cupcake”

Mike was prolly 18 months or so in this photo, I showed it to him today, and he’s like”I was never a blond! When was I a blonde?!”

Mothers, go get your sweet baby boys and hug them lots, cause someday, they’ll be crazy, use foul language, be way taller than you, and have tattoos too….

But they’ll still be cool. Happy Birthday Mike!!!

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5 Responses to Happy Birthday Mike!

  1. Norma says:

    Happy birthday, Mike! My daughter is 21. I don’t know how that happened, because I’m only 29 myself. Hee.

  2. Chris says:

    Happy Birthday, Mike!

  3. Dipsy D. says:

    Hi from Austria! Happy birthday to Mike! I enjoyed looking at those photos, thanks for sharing them!

  4. Happy Birthday Mike!!! *L* Love the blonde ringlets hehehehe

  5. Chris says:

    It’s really a shame I’m far too old for him. 😉