Sweater Today, Yarn Tomorrow.

Well, I finally did it. I ripped the Karabella Majestic pullover out. I frogged that sucker but good. It goes fast when you rip it with a ball winder. Like a band-aid, almost painless. So what was almost a sweater,

is now alot of red yarn that needs to be washed and unkinked, so I can reuse it.

Don’t get me wrong, I love this pattern, it’s fun, holds your attention with all the cabling, and is very easy to memorize. It’s also clearly written. I totally own up to poor needle/yarn choice. I don’t need a form fitting sweater with high mohair content, knit with a too small needle size. I will knit this again. I’m thinking a no nonsense worsted wool. Like plymouth galway. I love galway. I do.

I’m rounding the corner on my first sweater of 2006. The Sirdar Creeper sweater is being seemed and will be wearable soon. I’m so excited! Rowan Plaid is one of my all time favs to knit with. Photos as soon as the last end is woven in!
Has anyone checked out the Sunrise Circle Cardi, from the newest interweave? The one that’s ten pages of pattern long? Well I love it. I’m already up to the raglan/left front shaping. Using stashed yarn (yay!) it’s really not as complicated as it looks, you just have to make sure to use a row counter! Photos of that one coming soon!

And , I know there’s more than a few of you wanting some Vesper goodness, to update you, I’ve sent a big-ish order to Kpixe, that should be up soon, and I’ll be posting a few skeins on Etsy before the weekend is up. I’ll be out of town again week after next, so supply will be scarce, but as soon as I get back, it’ll be all dyeing all the time!

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7 Responses to Sweater Today, Yarn Tomorrow.

  1. emmy says:

    Thanks for the “Vesper” update.I will be sure to Stalk Kpixie to see what goodness they received AND your etsy store.

    Can’t wait to see your sweater pics. That sweater was the only thing I liked in IK and I think it is on their website. So I guess I’m glad I held off buying the magazine.

  2. Chris says:

    Twitching for Vesper! Thanks for the update. Goodbye, Majestic… And I’m looking forward to seeing your Sunset Circle Cardi!

  3. knitannie says:

    Have you seen the Sunrise KA?

    We’d love to see photos of your FO.

  4. Kaity says:

    Ouch, rippin all that out would kill me. Cant wait to see pics of the Sunrise Sweater!

  5. puppymomma says:

    Hey, you promised sock yarn! Where is it? I needs me more Vesper.

  6. Beth S. says:

    YEOUCH!! You are a brave woman. I have so many UFO’s that will probably never get completed. Think of how much yarn I would gain if I frogged ’em all…l and how liberating that would be! Nah… I don’t have the courage. Yet.

    BTW, I met you at the store in Sewickley a few months ago. I was the one visiting from Buffalo, NY, who was, unfortunately, in Pittsburgh for a funeral. But I loved the store and have blogged about it!

  7. fellow pittsburgher says:

    I am a fellow Pittsburgher who found your site through various links and clicks. I’ve been knitting for about a year now. Any tips on knitting stores in da ‘burgh??