Should you find yourself in Toronto this weekend…

Please stop in at Lettuce Knit tomorrow night, Wednesday, the 22nd. I will be there at about 6pm to join the legendary Lettuce Knit SnB. I will certainly not be alone! In addition to myself will be a whack of Native Toronto knitters, and also, a box full of Vesper sock yarn. I have been looking forward to this for a very long time. A very long time.

Right now I’m baking cookies with my sister, actually, she’s using her new stand mixer to mix the dough so we can take it to Toronto tomorrow and bake them up there. Nip/Tuck starts in T minus 5 minutes, and I’m drinking a Grey Goose and Pepsi. Somehow that Pepsi part doesn’t seem quite right, but here at Vesper Manor, the pickins are slim for mixers. Anyways, I’m leaving bright and early, so if you’re in the greater Toronto area tomorrow night, I’ll see you at Lettuce Knit!

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13 Responses to Should you find yourself in Toronto this weekend…

  1. stinkerbell says:

    A box full of Vesper yarn… I am envious I have been trying for MONTHS to catch a stash of Crew and Strange Little Mama… now if only the flight werent a ways away 🙂

  2. Arleta says:

    Oooh! Have fun! I just wish I could come!

  3. jenn says:

    Have fun, lady!

  4. stacey says:

    I love Nip/Tuck (and cookies, and yarn!) 🙂 sounds like a great time! I bet that box of yarn will go super fast!

  5. ann-marie says:

    i’m about 3 hours away, i WISH i could come.
    have fun!!
    take pictures!

  6. Kathy says:

    Have fun tonight! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  7. regina says:

    I’m a little scared of the Grey Goose and Pepsi combo, but necessity is the mother of invention. Have a wonderful time in Toronto! Safe travels.

  8. Meredith says:

    Oooohhh…I wish I lived closer to Toronto. It sounds like the SnB’s at Lettuce Knit are so much fun! Damn me for moving to Waterloo…*sigh* Have fun!! 🙂

  9. Marisol says:

    How wonderful! This looks like a very talented fun group of knittsters:) I wish I could go–little hard though to make it from SF, CA.

    Have fun!

  10. emmy says:

    I can’t wait to hear about last night. I am thankful for your beautifully dyed yarns and I bet the Lettuce Knit SnB will be as well. Happy Thanksgiving.

  11. Naomi says:

    Have a wonderful time! I hope this trip exceeds your expectations! Once again I’m jealous I’m so far away here in Seattle. Have a safe trip! I hope to see some photos of all the fun!

  12. Amanda says:

    I was just in Toronto last weekend. Hope you have a great time there.

  13. Isobel says:

    Thanks to Yarn Harlot I know have a face to put to the name. Toronto is my second home (university for 4 years) and I worked there for several years after that.
    From the pictures it looks like it was a wonderful night. I wish a box of Vesper could should up at my door some day. Until then will have to live with the few I can manage to buy from Knitterly.