In which I go to a craft fair and bring home more yarn….

So I went to that Handmade Arcade thing last saturday, and it was just how I thought it would be. Except there was way, way, more people than I thought would be there. Like, way, Yo. It was at a place called Construction Junction, which is a non profit place that sells recycled/reclaimed building materials. Very cool. They go around and save usable materials that would otherwise be junked. It’s a big wharehouse type place. The Handmade Arcade part was set up in a separate part of the building, and oh man was there the stuff.

I was kind of expecting to see stuff from hipster type crafters, like screen printed tees, of which there were many, and found object type of jewelry. I also thought I would see hand knit items for sale too,and there was, but I didn’t know if there would be yarn. What can I say, I have a one track mind about yarn. Oh yes, there was yarn.

The first thing I saw when I walked in and turned the corner was a table full of Lamps Lumps, who apparently have no website. ETA: Yes, they do, it’s here. Thanks Lauren! There were also some local handspinners, and I got their card.
Everybody from the Craft Mutiny was there. Including Woolarina, from whom I made my only purchase of the day.

One skein of sock yarn. It would appear I have a built in radar for the stuff. I was really drawn to the colors. She had some other nice things too, but this time of year, it’s all about the budget.

There’s only 200 some odd yards on this skein, so when I do knit it, it’ll definately have contrasting heels and toes. I have some stashed orange koigu that will be perfect. This is one of those times where I’ll pull out the scale and divide the skein into two even halves. This is the beauty of toe up for all you non-believers. Perfectly even usage of yarn, I could get up on my soap box and preach about it all day. I won’t, but I could!

I really want to cast on for these, but once again, I’m sticking to my guns about the whiskey sweater. I cast on for the 2nd sleeve last night, hopefully that won’t take too too long, then, socks!!

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14 Responses to In which I go to a craft fair and bring home more yarn….

  1. Lauren says:

    I think this is the site you were looking for:
    The yarn you bought looks great. I love how many colors are in it.

  2. cari says:

    okay, okay…so maybe toe-up knitting has its place…

  3. Michelle says:

    dude what is the name of that colourway…it is incredible!!

  4. oohhh, the colors!!! I can see why you had to bring it home

  5. regina says:

    That colourway is dreamy. I’m mighty impressed with your tenacity vis a vis the whiskey sweater. I wouldn”t know this from personal experience, but i understand that project monogamy is very fulfilling. I must try it sometime.

  6. Kaity says:

    Purty Yarn!

    The only problem with the toe-up method is when to start the ribbing for the cuff of the sock. I’m always afraid I’ll start too late and end up with half and inch of ribbing or something.

  7. Jenny says:

    You are being SO GOOD about the whiskey sweater! Those socks will be lovely when you knit them up!

  8. Amy says:

    I totally need to go sock yarn shopping with you. All of your colors look so great!

  9. Arleta says:

    Great sock yarn. Perfect colors. Lovely!!

  10. Laurie says:

    Lovely yarn! And just when I got to the point that I can do toe down without a pattern, I’m supposed to learn toe UP? *sigh*

  11. Chris says:

    Such restraint! It IS lovely. I know just what you mean about toe-up – I have such dicey amount of yarn on the socks I’m knitting right now that I’m knitting one from each end of the ball…

  12. stacey says:

    Amazing colors! That will look great with orange! I’m also a HUGE fan of toe up – no leftovers!

  13. Dorothy B says:

    Love the colours. So bright and pretty. I would be hard pressed not to cast on just to see how it knits up.

  14. julia fc says:

    Oh dear. We clearly have much more in common than just our name. I so would have fought you for that skein.