Fiber Club!


I think this might make me officially crazy, because believe it or not, I DO like my sleep! BUT, I’m officially announcing the arrival of The Knitterly Things Fiber Club. Much like the Sock Yarn Club, this club will be a subscription over 3 months, December- February, and will be $65.00 with a double dose option for an additional $40. As this is my first go at this fiber club thing, spots are very limited, and will be available in the shop until we ship’um in December, or until they sell out. Whichever comes first.
I’m really kind of excited for this, and have picked out a great line up fiber for this run. They are all fibers I have spun, and really love, and the colorways will be fab, of course.

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4 Responses to Fiber Club!

  1. Seanna Lea says:

    If I could spin at all, I would be on this in a heartbeat. My little piles of fiber always look like I’ve tried to beat them with a stick after I’ve done a bit of spindle work.

  2. Julie says:

    Just ordered the double dose…now I need to give up some sleep myself and get caught up on my spinnings. Can’t wait, Thanks!!

  3. laurie says:

    Yay!! I want the double dip!

  4. Manise says:

    Happy times ahead! I’m sure they’ll sell lickity split.