Of Spinning and Yarn

I finished Spinning the yarn for Terri, my thousandth customer, and boy, is it ever purdy.

4oz, Superwash Merino, dyed by me, to Terri’s specs, she told me she liked my brights, like the turquoise blues, and lime greens, but also the pinks, and yellow, and maybe some black. So I dyed up a couple of rovings, and this was the one I liked best, a bit heavy on the green, but I you know I like the greens, I just hope Terri does!

More? Okay!

Check out that barber pole action! Love. It. Terri, I put it in the mail today, and you should have it soon!

Also, for the rest of you like minded fiber addicts, I put up a small SHOP UPDATE today, just a little while ago. Ther will probably only be one, possibly two more before I go out of town for Xmas, so get it while you can!

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12 Responses to Of Spinning and Yarn

  1. Cat says:

    OMG I so love those colors. Awesome!!!! I’m a pastel girl but lately I seem to be drawn to autumn colors, but that is just beautiful.

    Oh you are missing a t in knitterly in your shop link in the post, so it doesn’t bring you to the shop.


  2. Maritza says:

    Wow! That is truly gorgeous stuff!

  3. Danielle says:

    It is so pretty! I’m sure she will love it. Who wouldn’t love a custom dyed, custom spun yarn?

  4. Kathy says:

    Oh, it’s so pretty! I do love it. But, I’m into those greens too.

  5. Kim says:

    Oh my………..those are great colors!

  6. Katie says:

    Very fun colors! She is going to love it.

  7. Terri says:

    OH MY GOODNESS!! I can’t believe you already
    finished it! It’s GORGEOUS, it is exactly what
    I had in mind….my very own custom dyed, custom
    spun sock yarn by Julia herself…-I’ll be waiting
    by the mailbox!! Thank you so much.
    The girls at my work don’t knit very much but they
    do love to look at your yarns and we all LOVE your
    names….they want to know what YOUR name is for
    my yarn, do you have one?

  8. Elemmaciltur says:

    Wow! Those are absolutely gorgeous!

  9. nipper jenn says:

    That’s so very beautiful, lady. I am in lust.

  10. ohmyGawd!! So darn prudy!

  11. Terri says:

    I JUST GOT IT yesterday!! I went to the mail box and there it was! This yarn is even more vibrant, deeper, SNUGGLIER than it is in the pictures.(and those are GREAT pictures)
    Thank you sooo much Julia for your wonderful prize to me, I will send a pic
    when I get this scrumptious yarn knitted into a pair of socks!!!

  12. So beautiful! I love how it looks like Christmas lights!