Overseas Yarn

I feel very clever at this moment. Wanna know why? I just ordered yarn from an online shop, that was completely in German. I feel clever because I figured it out, and I don’t speak or read German. Yay me.

I found that shop though a link Stephanie gave us, it’s the link to the shop were you can find the yarn for the fantastic rainbow sweater she’s knitting now.

I ordered this. New Regia sock yarn, Canyon Colors. People I am a sucker for Regia. I love the stuff. Not all their stuff, nothing varigated, or stretchy, or cotton, or faux fairisle, but they do the self striping yarn so nicely, I love/want it all. I’ve been known to hunt it on ebay from time to time. I have a good supply of it in my sock yarn stash.

It was fun too! Shopping in a language differant from my own. Alot of it is universal, and easy to figure out. If you’ve ever bought yarn that had the yarn label info in several languages, you’ll get it. Wolle, is wool, sockenwolle, obviously, is sock wool. I know that 4-fach is 4ply (thinner sock weight) and that 6-fach is 6ply, more dk weight. Also, pictures of the yarn manufacturers logos help!

I did need help at check out time though! So I googled, and found this handy free translator. that *so* came in handy! So I figured that out to, and hopefully it all goes smoothly on their end. I’m sure there’s some out there that shop for yarn in 7 differant languages daily, but today, I did, and I think that’s pretty cool. Now I just won’t hold my breathe while it flies across the pond to me!

* stay tuned for photos of my fabulous handspun sock yarn! (p.s., it’s fabulous!)*

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10 Responses to Overseas Yarn

  1. libraryliz says:

    Julia –
    Just wanted to say I got the yarn yesterday and I LOVE IT!
    Congrats on the German ordering and I can’t wait to see the handspun.

  2. Lynn says:


    I ordered from that site after Stephanie’s comments too! I ordered some Regia and some of the rainbow yarn as well. Like you, I was so proud of myself, I called my Mom the next day to tell her. Mind you, she and my Dad both speak German fluently, but chose only to speak it when they didn’t want us to understand what they were saying. Not that I’m bitter or anything 🙂

  3. Celtic Queen says:

    Crap! I was going to order the rainbow yarn and do my own version of a rainbow sweater. Had I known sooner, we could’ve split the shipping. C’est la vie!

  4. Elinor says:

    Oh, I’ve ordered from that site – they have really, really kickass customer service. Very proficient in English, as you could expect from any German site, really. My yarn came much faster than I expected and included in the package were complimentary some tea and candy from Germany. When I go off of my yarn diet, Regia is the first stuff I’m ordering and it’ll be from Wollsucht for sure. I hope yours is great!

  5. Lissa says:

    And don’t forget Schurwolle – superwash. 😀 That was the first knitting word I learned in another language!

  6. you smart cookie you!
    can’t wait to see your fabulous sock yarn, I can’t wait to see how the colors play with each other

  7. Monika says:

    Well done! I’ve ordered from wollsucht.de before, but I speak German. Schurwolle, does not mean “superwash” it means “wool” btw. I liked the customer service as well, and of course the Kauni and Evilla yarn I’ve got form there. Have fun knitting when the yarn arrives!

  8. that is awesome, doesn´t it feel great? if you ever want to do a swap, i feel the same way about your yarns as you do about regia!!!

  9. Chris says:

    Yay, you! I’ve always been afraid to do that… I love yarn that stripes. I’m a big fan of Meilenweit stripey yarns, myself.

  10. moirae/Steph says:


    For great translation, try this. Apparently I’ve been getting people reading my webpage from France using this.


    Works great!