Gone Batty.

There’s a new addition to my fiber family.

I ordered it through my boss, quite possibly the best boss ever. She let me buy it at cost plus shipping. I saved a crap load of loot on this thing. It’s and Ashford Drum carder, by the way, 36 tpi.
I’ve dug up every bit of handdyed fiber I had laying around here and carded it. I can’t stop, this thing is awsome! I love a good blended batt! I’ve never used a drum carder before, so I did have to figure out how best to blend fibers, and it’s pretty self explainatory. Feed fibers in, crank handle. Although I can say it’s best not to overload it, because it’s crazy hard to get it off the drum!

These are the my first blended batts. I blended some red orange stuff last night, pretty much the second I got it home, and already spun it up. Oh man, no need to pre-draft at all! The fibers just slide right past each other.

You can’t see it, but one of these has some sparklies blended into it. Really, I can’t get enough! I ordered a few pounds of solid colored Merino, and some more sparklies, and even some silk noils, so as soon as that gets here there’ll be no stopping me! Mwah ha ha!
These babies should start becoming a regular item in my shop soon.

I’ve been dyeing all week, so I should hopefully possibly have a shop update in a little over a week. I’m sorry to see October end, it is my favorite month, not that I’m biased or anything. November’s pretty good too, I’m really looking forward to Thanksgiving. I’ll be driving to Michigan, then heading to Toronto, where my family has been having Thanksgiving for 3 years now. So if your in the area, I’m crashing Lettuce Knits knit night. I can’t wait!

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22 Responses to Gone Batty.

  1. scout says:

    Ooohhhh ahhhhhh pretty!

  2. cari says:

    Mmmmm….batts. That orange is pretty damn fantastic.

  3. Michelle says:

    Hey Julia,
    Let me know what night you will be at lettuce and I will meet you there! Awesome!

  4. Kathy says:

    How fun!! The batts look fantastic.

  5. mama-e says:

    awesome sister!

  6. Melanie says:

    Wow! Those are so gorgeous!

  7. emmy says:

    Beautiful batts. Nice carder. Some of you are making me want to spin! It is soooo pretty.

  8. Carole says:

    Those blended batts are beautiful. I have a drum carder but haven’t tried blending anything yet.

  9. Arleta says:

    Very nice! Your batts are really pretty, too.

  10. Laurie says:

    Food for thought…reblending batts. I like the idea of easy drafting.

  11. Cheryl says:

    Beautiful batts! I haven’t tried blending commercial fibers on my drum carder, but it’s a good idea! I’m going to give it a go.

  12. regina says:

    Those batts are really something to behold! Mmmmm, mmm.

  13. stacey says:

    so pretty! my sister got a drum carder at MD last year and we spent hours playing with it!

  14. michelle says:

    Oooh, as soon as I get good at this spinning thing I am coming after your batts.

  15. Kaity says:

    So pretty, I want one of those!!

  16. Wannietta says:

    They’re so wonderful and fluffy!! The yarn is spinning up beautifully!

  17. kate says:

    oooooooooooooooh. that is not fair. you can’t show me gorgeous stuff like that and then expect me to go through my day happily and normally. I’m all a-twitch with the possibilities of spinning. I wonder if i could send the baby off to playgroup alone and stay here and spin… she could take the bus.

  18. so fluffy! So pretty!! I can see why you can’t stop! ; )

  19. Naomi says:

    I’m so happy for you! What a nice boss! Looks like lots of fun!

  20. laura says:

    I can’t wait to see you on my home turf!

    Batts are driving me batty. I want a drum carder!

  21. aja says:

    Wow, so that thing is called a “Drum carder”….I have never seen one before, but your post explains it a bit…but why called a drum carder? Sorry, I must be a fiber doof!