Ta Da!

Thanks everybody, for your similar cat pee stories and suggestions! I have alot of options to try now. They were all at the vet recently, and everybody checked out fine. This is something he’s been doing for awhile now, and I reached my limit. Today I did what any good kitty parent would do. I bribed him with his favorite sparkly toys. No accidents yet!

Now for my little announcement! For the last ten evenings or so, I’ve been working on a little shop of my own! Yay! Se ya Etsy! So today is the debut trial run. I’ve put lots of pretty yarns and rovings up, and hopefully everything runs smoothly. I’d like to send a super sized Thank You out to Dave, whose been wonderful and gracious in answering my questions about setting up shop, and offering advice. Thanks Dave!

I have a suspicion that this cart program my allow multiple sales of stock that don’t actually exist. That’s the reason for the trial run. I’ve done alot of testing, and can’t get a positive read one way or the other, so if any backorders happen, I will fill them ASAP!
So, go, have fun, take a look around, and if you see anything goofy, or find something doesn’t work, let me know!

Now go forth and shop!!

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20 Responses to Ta Da!

  1. Beth says:

    I did it – I did it – I shopped at your new online store!!! Woo hoo!!!!

  2. Dave Daniels says:

    That looks fantastic! You’ve done an excellant job. Sit back and be proud of your work, you DID IT!

  3. Connie says:

    A friend and I were shopping on your site and because I’m in the process of being verified by Paypal I had to leave my order and have her get it for me. When I went back to check my cart it said my items were now out of stock. My friend had her order go through – so it looks like your site is not allowing multiple buys – at least not for us.

  4. Jen says:

    LOVE the shop design. Super!

    If I hadn’t just spent $140 on makeup…I’d have bought something…there IS something very wrong with that, by the way…

  5. crzjane says:

    The shop design is really nice. And I have placed my order. I really wish I knew how to spin. Those rovings look gorgeous!
    Good Luck!
    This will probably be better then kpixie. I never tried esty so I can’t judge by that.

  6. emmy says:

    Love your new store! It was for sure showing me that most everything was sold out so I guess that part IS working….darn it 🙂 That Lollipop twist is new isn’t it? Very nice. very nice. I registered and signed up for email!!!
    Love the blues and greens in the design btw.

  7. jennifer says:

    congrats a gazillion times over to you, julia! it’ll be a success for sure, now that you are the It-Girl of sock yarns 🙂

  8. Julia, A big Congrat’s for opening your own shop! How fantastic!! Everything looks great, I’m trying soooo hard to be good! : )

  9. kim says:

    Julia – I just love your new shop – very easy to navigate and intuitive. I just received some Vesper from your Etsy shop in Tartan and can hardly wait to knit it up – so awesome!

  10. anmiryam says:

    Congrats on the new shop digs. A yarn mogul is born!

  11. Jes says:

    Congrats on the new shop! That’s a big step. Way to go =)

  12. Jenn says:

    Go, Julia! Congrats on the new shop. You’re going to have to work overtime now to dye enough.

  13. Stacey says:

    Congrats! It looks great!

  14. aja says:

    Yay!! So exciting, I took a peak around and it worked like a charm. Super easy to navagiate and filled with your pretty yarn. Can’t ask for much more!

  15. knittymama says:

    Great new site! Now I just need some yarn! 🙂

    Our cats must be separated at birth! I have the same problem with random peeing. No bladder problem… I attribute it to stress (new baby), but who knows. I totally can’t figure it out either. >:(

  16. PuppyMomma says:

    Its gorgeous! Now keep it stocked! My new wheel came today and I plan on spinning sock yarns until my fingers bleed, so I’ll be buying some roving soon. And maybe some sock yarn…because who doesn’t need sock yarn…..

  17. abi says:

    All the yarn’s sold out already and I’m not a a spinner. Quick, put some more stock in there!

  18. Patty says:

    Great…Great new site. I was able to purchase one skein which will be my first Vesper purchase. I want more, please!!! Signed up for your email list.

    Just wanted to tell you the entire purchase was easy to navigate all the way through to my email confirmation from you.

    Again fab site.

  19. miss violet says:

    Okay, so I know this is a laaaate reply to this post, but I wanted to find a way to get in touch with you because I am -freaking out- that I’m not getting notification emails from the shop, and if you’re updating this weekend, I’m going to CRY if I can’t get in on the sale!

    Yes, I really need a Life. I know. Sorry. 🙂

    (But I loooove your roving. Love love love. And to miss an opportunity would be sniffle-worthy. Really.)