Here Swatchy Swatchy Swatchy…

I’m a swatching mad woman this week. I decided not to start another sweater til I finish the Sunrise Cardi, the one I haven’t worked on in two weeks and am only 60 rows and a lot of finishing away from being done. I’ve found a way around startitis though, and that’s swatching! Swatchitis!!!!!!!

I really love the Deep V Vest. This swatch is done in Heilo, which I haven’t worked with before, but really really like. It shows off every stitch, and is a pleasure to knit with. I knit it with US 5’s, because I knit tightly, especially in fair isle, and you know, my gauge is still smaller than pattern gauge, so Us 6’s it is! Yay!
The swatch on the left is knit with 5’s, the one on the right with 4’s. Another differance, I knit both in the round, but the tan one I knit on the inside of the tube. My manager swears by this for more even knitting, and I always raised an eyebrow to it. So I experimented. I figured it might help the 5 st long floats, but this swatch is very lumpy, even after blocking, the floats were actually tighter than in the teal swatch. Knitting on the inside? Crock of shit. Don’t waste your time.
These beautiful blue swatches are for Jodi’s Mariah.The yarn is rowan calmer in a great icey shade of blue. Again, I got gauge with needles 2 sizes bigger than called for, US 9’s. I usually don’t like knitting with needles bigger than 8’s. So I’ll have to so some math, and see what I can work out. I’ve seen it knit in calmer, and I really liked the look. I do loves me a good zip up hoodie, I do.
Swatches are great, I never underestimate the knowledge gained from them. I also keep all my swatches. Someday when I start having kids, I’ll join them all to be a baby blanket. So knitting a few is fun, and almost instantly gratifying. A swatch technically is a FO, after all.

Yesterday I was wandering around Barnes and Noble, looking at the knitting books I haven’t seen yet, and I bought one.

Usually, I really have to like and obsess over a knitting book, I rarely impulse buy them. I looked through this one, put it back, and then went back for it. The more I read through it, the more I like it. Knit Cafe looks like a great place, I need to get back to California. This pattern stood out
Actually, it was the guitar motif I really liked. I may have to put it on a sweater….

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23 Responses to Here Swatchy Swatchy Swatchy…

  1. maura says:

    Hi Julia,
    I had to laugh at your result from knitting the swatch with the right side inside. A. is the only one I have ever heard of thinking this was “the” right way to do it!! I love the colors you chose for your swatch and can so see them in that sweater. Hurry up and finish your wip so you can start! Miss you guys. Maura

  2. Annie says:

    I absolutely love your colors for the Deep V! I’ve got this pattern and hope to get to it someday…maybe for fall. Can’t wait to see how it turns out for you!

  3. yahaira says:

    inside of the tube? say what?! whatevs

    your swatches look great though and that book had the same effect on me. I had to have it right then when I saw it in barnes and noble

  4. Dave Daniels says:

    The swatch on the left on the #5s is fantastic. It has such impact. The turquoise as the main color shows so well, the reverse doesn’t have quite the grab to me. It’s a beautiful pattern either way.

  5. Lisa says:

    Love the colors for the Deep V. And you did the right thing with multiple swatches and techniques. Heilo does seem to be the right yarn – I used Knit picks Merino Style and it makes for a very thick sweater. Can’t wait to see how yours turns out!

  6. caitlyn says:

    Your swatch looks really good! I love the colors you chose.

  7. Melissa says:

    Hi Julia,
    I really love the teal swatch. It is beautiful! I can’t wait to see the FO. As for Knit Cafe, I wouldn’t waste my time. It sure isn’t the friendliest store around and the selection isn’t even that great. It is very pretty though. They sure know how to market in these parts.

  8. Wendy says:

    I love that argyle of yours! The one on the left is my fave!

  9. Jen says:

    The swatches are beautiful – you’re a great knitter!

  10. kris says:

    oh the beautiful swatches! the teal/brown combo is fantastic; will make a great v.

  11. suzanne says:

    I saw that books recently too and really liked it! It exceeded expectations…..though now I cannot remember any of the patterns….

    Good excuse to hit the bookstore and have another look.

  12. jodi says:

    I’m hoping to start that deep v vest soon too, I’d really like to have it for fall. Love your colour choices.

  13. allison says:

    Oh my gosh. I just love those colors for the Deep V. I can’t wait to see the finished product!

  14. Heidi says:

    Hi Julia, I love the colors!!! Perhaps I’ll knit a second vest…

  15. Sarah says:

    I have a newfound love for swatches too. Loving the colors on your argyle vest!

  16. Chris says:

    I haven’t read/heard anything about that book (or seen it), so it’s interesting to see something from it. I think I like the more brown swatch better than the more teal swatch, if you’re looking for input. 🙂

  17. Rachel says:

    I am in love with you deep-V vest swatches! Great colors! I’ve been thinking about knitting that too, and you may have just pushed me over the edge. I’m thinking I may need to do some yarn shopping this weekend.

    The guitar bag in the Knit Cafe book sucked me in too. It’s sitting on my coffee table waiting for me.

  18. Nanc says:

    Wow- That’s some serious swatching! You put me to shame, woman. Heck, I can’t even be bothered to finish a swatch for a sock… and yes, I did have to rip it out and reknit it. Oh, well. Either I’ll learn my lesson or continue my non-swatching progress in a bull-headed way.

    I love the colors of both your argyle vest and the light blue for Mariah – yum!

  19. aja says:

    I wish I could get swatchitis! My knitter hands have left me for a vacation. That teal and rust color look fabulous together.

  20. Carrie says:

    Dude. Those swatches for Deep V are AWESOME. It looks freakin’ hard to do.

    I want that book!

  21. The colors you are using for your vest! LOVE THEM!
    Speaking of swatches, the one inside the tube wow, it looks A LOT smaller than the teal one!
    and the guitar motif would look awesome on a sweater ; )

  22. Naomi says:

    Julia – you are bad for me! I am loving your sock yarn but in addition I have been seeing what you are up to and I fell in love with the vest swatches. Love the teal swatch so much that I had to buy the pattern and am deciding what colors I’ll make my vest! Enjoy starting your new project! Good luck finishing the Sunrise Cardi.

  23. mama-e says:

    beautiful sister! Hey.. I have a new tool to tell you about….. you are going to need it as much as the winder! come check out my new digs!