Some things New

So I’ve updated the Etsy shop, and needless to say,most everything sold out . Already. There are still a couple of skeins left, and some of my hand dyed rovings.

So, with my last project off the needles, well, with one of my last projects off the needles, it’s time to start a few new things.
I’ve been itchy to start these gloves,

from this book,

I’ve had the yarn for a while, in the same colors, cause I really like them, not cause I can’t get creative. Although if I like the way the turn out, I might do a green color scheme. I like green. Yup.

I also dug around work and found this yarn,

Cause I want to be just like Claudia! (scroll down)
Well, almost just like Claudia, I’m going to do contrast toes and heels in that Brown Koigu KPM right there. And no Picot cuff!
I started knitting socks cause I got inspired by a pair she made her husband, and look at me now! For those of you who haven’t knit socks yet, the Interweave site has a great .pdf file to download. It’s Priscilla Gibson Roberts “Dream Socks” that’s what I started with. Actually, it might be in the subscriber only section. I’ll find out, and let you all know. I declare 2006 to be “The Year of the Sock” so get to knitting!

I find that I like posting about new projects, isn’t that what this is partly about? The blogging thing? I never would have known about half the cool things to knit out there if it weren’t for knitbloggers. Seriously, what a great demographic!

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4 Responses to Some things New

  1. Chris says:

    No kidding – the blogging thing, so inspiring!

  2. anmiryam says:

    Amen to that, though sometimes I wonder if I’m just a lemming. But I’ve decided not to worry about it. BTW, your self-striping yarn makes some nifty Jaywalkers.

  3. Skylar says:

    I just can’t win…I have been STALKING Etsy and KPixie for more of your yarn, and I just never get to it in time. I am in LURVE with it…

  4. Beth says:

    I have been fortunate enough to purchase 2 skeins of your yarn from Kpixie (Midnight Knitter and Neopolitan). I’m almost finished the Dublin Bay socks in the Midnight Knitter for DD#3 and I was just thinking I may need to use the neopolitan for some Jaywalkers for myself.

    Kudos to you for selling out so quickly and being in such hot demand!