At the Cuff

Day 6: Thinking about doing a Fiber Club, anyone interested in that?

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17 Responses to At the Cuff

  1. Carole says:

    Perhaps. It would depend on the details but it sounds like a great idea.

  2. Shelly Kang says:

    Fiber Club – yeah!

  3. Manise says:

    Are your finished socks going to make their debut on Eye Candy Friday? Fiber Club would be fun.

  4. Alex says:

    a fiber club sounds lovely!

  5. Maria says:

    I would! I would!

  6. Hmmm, fiber club! If I buy a spindle at Rhinebeck, then YEA, I am in.

  7. Lori says:

    Heck, yeah with the fiber club! Bring it!
    ::Happy Dance::

  8. Lexi says:


  9. WiscJennyAnn says:

    Re: fiber club, I am hyperventilating with glee! (Pretty photos today!)

  10. lovely photo’s, boy is that sock working up quickly!
    a fiber club would be great fun!

  11. Debbie in Kirkland, WA says:

    I would like to join the sock club. When will sign ups be available again for that?

  12. njstacie says:

    Yes please! Please please please. Thankee.

  13. Celtic Queen says:

    Hello? Did you think any of us could pass on that cattle call? 🙂

  14. Michelle says:

    fiber club sounds like a great idea!

  15. weaverknits says:

    Yeah fiber club! Just tell me when and where.