One Year. (And Counting)

Rhinebeck 2007

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19 Responses to One Year. (And Counting)

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Cute! Congratulations!

  2. awww! Happy Anniversary

  3. Carole says:

    Awww. You guys are so sweet!

  4. Robyn says:

    Happy Anniversary.

    Will you be at Rhinebeck 2008?!

  5. Ruth says:

    Any non-knitting guy who braves Rhinebeck so soon in a relationship is someone to grab onto with both hands.

    Happy anniversary!

  6. Jeanie says:


  7. HEJ says:

    Happy Happy! Sweet picture!

  8. Michelle says:

    Dang, I love that sweater.

    Er, um, congrats! One year!

  9. jackie says:

    Awww, Happy Anniversary you two.

  10. Maritza says:

    Awww, congratulations you two!

  11. regina says:

    You guys look so cute together! Congrats.

  12. caitlyn says:

    Congratulations! I love the cute photo.

  13. Manise says:

    Happy Anniversary! Cute photo!

  14. Elspeth says:

    Aww! Adorable picture- a pleasant combination of romance and cute sweater. Too cute!

  15. Marisol says:

    oh how sweet! Congratulations my dear!

  16. Belated congrats!

    So cute!