Things are moving right along on my “in no hurry” Sweater. I finished the body over the weekend, and seamed the shoulders. Since I’m kind of cobbling this pattern together, I decided it would be a super smart thing to set in the sleeves before picking up stitches for the hood, to make absocertain that they fit nicely into the arm holes. Seriously, if I found out after having knit the hood that they the caps/armcyes didn’t match, I would cry, and cry and then whine.
And they fit, very nicely, infact. Color me happy.
Set in sleeves used to be the hardest thing ever for me to seam, somewhere down the knitting road we found some happy medium, and now they are my most favorite arm treatment. Ever.
I’m about 7 inches in to the hood now, and let me tell you, I can. not. wait to knit the button bands and go pick out buttons. I know exactly what I want. (I’m super ridiculously excited about the buttons.) Good thing too, because this hood is taking awhile.
* In shop news, I updated yesterday, as I’m trying to do every Wednesday, even if I don’t get around to announcing it here. In fact, I think I’ll try to throw it up in the sidebar, when I have an update, from now on.
I didn’t get around to putting the Wee Kits up yesterday, I kind of took Tuesday off, I was seriously exhausted from really pushing the whole work/dye/reskein routine. So I took a personal day. It was lovely. Anywho, I’m planning a special Saturday update, with Wee Kits, and a few new variegated colors too. Stay tuned.
I admire your tenacity. I probably would give even before I finish one sleeve!
I love the colour you used. What is that yarn?
Your hoodie is really super. I have struggled with putting in zippers but I like the idea of buttons. I think I’ll try that next time.
Wow, you work some wonderful seams. I am very jealous. Buttons buttons, I love them when someone else puts them on for me!