Re-Entry Randomness

Hey I’m back! For those interested in the important stuff, Shop Update will be today! Time TBD, but probably mid afternoon. I will be sure to post about it though.

The update is up! Thanks everybody for being so patient! Next update will probably be roughly the same time next week.

Here’s some Randomness to ease the re-entry into the less than tropical P’burgh weather.

* I did a wee little bit of knitting, I finished a knitting a blob.

A blob otherwise known as an Elizabeth Zimmermann Baby Surprise Jacket. I’ve never knit one before, but always wanted to. A few weeks ago Brandt and I went to Philly for a minute, and If I’m driving across PA to Philly, I’ll be damned if I’m not going to go to Loop. While we were there, I drooled over their Koigu selection for a minute, and noticed they had a sample BSJ knit up in Koigu KPPPM, I loved it immediately. So tiny, so squooshy in all that garter stitch, and it was green! I almost bought yarn and cast on that very second. But I waited until we got home the next day.

I finished it on the plane ride down, just have to seam and sew on some buttons. I started a second almost immediately!

* I cast on for a pair of Monkeys. In red yarn I dyed awhile back. They will be Love Monkeys.

*I dare you to tell me that this isn’t so cute it makes your teeth hurt-

I love it when Gladys and (not so) Little Dude snuggle up. Three of my cats are litter mates, and they always like to sleep by each other, the other cat, not so much.

* It’s nice to be home again. And it’s SPRING! I don’t care if it is 40 degrees out, it’s still spring!!

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9 Responses to Re-Entry Randomness

  1. Dorrie says:

    Welcome Home Julia!! 😉

  2. liz in CT says:

    Yay, you’re back!
    I love the picture of the kitties – my 2 babies are litter mates & they love the snuggle together.

  3. Kathy says:

    It’s adorable! And in Koigu — YUM!

  4. caitlyn says:

    Oooh, a BSJ in Koigu is very luxurious!
    Love the adorable cat photo. 🙂

  5. megan says:

    Happiness is snuggly kitties.

  6. Maritza says:

    Welcome back! Your kitties are terribly adorable – I believe I squeed out loud when I saw the photo. So cute! And the BSJ is very cool. I’ve been meaning to knit one myself for a while now, and seeing yours has doubly inspired me to get to it.

  7. Celtic Queen says:

    Nice to have you back. Love both the BSJs. And if you’re trying those, you need to try Babies and Bears too. Very similar but no seaming.

  8. Beth S. says:

    I am always up for some kitty sweetness. 🙂

  9. Sheila says:

    Hi – Just a heads up – better colors at YU – Might want to try K-1?