Knit S’more

I wasn’t going to post agian til May, being that I’m in danger of using all my Bandwidth for this month, but I’ll chance it, because you have to see this.

So you know how you knit something for someone, and most of the time, your not sure if the item will be appreciated/used/loved a lot, or just tossed aside? Well. Today I got proof that something I knit for someone is very well used, and very much loved. Remember my new little baby cousin Gia and the bunny bootees
I knit for her?
Gia is 8 months old now, and I saw her this evening while at my grandparents. (I’m currently in Michigan for my Grandmas Funeral. She passed away on Saturday. It’s very sad, but okay.)

wiggly baby + my dislike of flash photos= blurry

We were all hanging out and chatting, and that Gia is so damn cute, and my cousins (her Mum and Dad) were telling me that she wears the bunnies all. the. time. and they take them with them everywhere. That made me so happy, and proud, I knit them for fun for her, and I love knowing they are loved. So much loved, that they need another pair, because she’s almost grown out of the first!! That’s awesome. I’m thrilled to do it.

Bunny bootees on baby feet. Squee!

Also- I knit these in Dale Yarn Baby Ull, and aside from a little pilling from the machine washing, are holding up amazingly. They still look great. Yay Baby Ull!

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16 Responses to Knit S’more

  1. lesley says:

    Too precious! I love them!!!

  2. Kellie says:

    awww, how cute is she? almost as cute as those bunnies!!

  3. Shanidy says:

    Cute! The baby and the booties!

  4. Cara says:

    Cutest ever!

  5. chris says:

    Ohhhh, those bunnies are cute! And your baby cousin is adorable, too.

    So sorry to hear about your grandma . . .

  6. Carolyn says:

    I’m sorry to hear about your grandma. Take care.

  7. PuppyMomma says:

    Loves the Baby Ull too. But I like chubby baby arms more.

  8. stacey says:

    those are just way too cute!!!!!!!

  9. regina says:

    I’m very sorry for your loss. Your Gia is just darling.

  10. Faith says:

    oh oh oh those are precious! And knowing how squiggly babies actually are, that’s a remarkably un-blurry photo. Good job!

  11. Cheryl says:

    She is so cute! Those bootees are perfect for her. I have that book coming in the mail and I can’t wait until it gets here, I want to make some bootees!

  12. joy says:

    love. the. bunnies.

  13. Barbara says:

    Sorry about your Grandma.
    Gia is adorable. Where did you get the pattern for those bunny booties? They are wonderful, I am a new reader of your blog so I had not seen them before. I would love to knit some for upcoming babies.

  14. K. Anne says:

    I am very sorry to hear of the loss of your grandmother.

  15. Barbara Berge says:

    Very Cute baby and bunnies. Do you give out pattern info. I would love to give it a try. Ia m new to this site.