Crazy Socks!

I finally finished my pink regia crazy socks, and it only took 3 months. Thank you Superbowl Sunday!


Yarn: Regia Crazy Color, the new fingering weight variety.
Color 5402.
I bought the it at Lettuce Knit, in Toronto, over the Thanksgiving weekend.
Pattern and Needles: My own usual pattern. Toe up, short row heel. This time I mixed it up a bit by adding a picot edge to the cuff. It’s not any trickier knitting a picot this way, you just have to sew down the facing. The inside doesn’t look as pretty as when it’s knit top down, when the cast on stitches are knit together with a new row to form the facing, but it works. I knit them using my beloved Inox US 1’s, magic loop style. I love these needles, and especially the pointy tips. The cable was giving me a hellova time though. It kept getting in the way. I’m very particular about the cables on my circs. So far my favs have been Addi cables, and recently, the Knitpicks cables, on both their options, and their smaller circulars.
Other Stuff: I started these in Toronto, probably the day I bought the yarn. I knit alot of the first sock in the car on the way home, and more on it while watching Steelers games on Sundays. I’m going to miss football season….I got so much knitting done! I think I finished the first sock a little before Christmas, but I’m not positive on that one. I know I worked on these a little bit in St. Thomas. I took them with me to a friends house and knit like hell until I finished them, somewhere near the end of the 3rd quarter. So nice to finish something!

Also: This weekend is the 3rd annual Pittsburgh Knitting Festival If you are any where near here, I think you should go. I have a feeling this is going to be a good one. No Maryland, and especially no Rhinebeck, but fun and fiberly none the less. It’s in the South Hills, and the entrance fee is $10, the website is kind of lacking in important info, like most of the proceeds go towards the Pittsburgh Waldorf School, and a map to the venue.
Go check out the vendors, there’s some good ones. Alot of the LYS will be there, including the one I work at. I will be there, spinning with the Butler County Spinners and Weavers Guild, on Saturday, and maybe Sunday too. Grafton Fibers will be there, they of the famous beautiful batts. I bought a small drop spindle from them last year, and totally missed them at Rhinebeck. This year I’m totally picking up a few batts!

And also: I got my copy of the new Interweave Knits today. While I love alot of the designs in this one, seriously, really nice job with the projects, I am feeling disappointed, and slightly confused by the new layout design. Not good. I prefer when they put the nice big pictures next to the pattern, not scattered all over the magazine, so you have to flip back and forth, and then all those teeny small photos around the pattern? Yikes. Let’s all remember this when we decide to fuck with a good thing.
On the subject of new mags, I got the new Rowan Magazine 41 on Tuesday, fresh out of the box. I love working on the days we get Rowan shipments. I really like it. Thumbs up to Rowan for this one!

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17 Responses to Crazy Socks!

  1. carrie says:

    Nice job on the socks!

    I agree about the new Interweave Knits! When I first opened mine up (which I also received today)I was *very* confused. The old layout was classy and stylish – the new layout seems kind of amateurish to me…

  2. Kaity says:

    Ooh, very cute! I love the girly stripey-ness.

  3. Bee says:

    Those look fantastic. In a very cool crazy way… 🙂

  4. jillz says:

    I had no idea you were in Pittsburgh or the surrounding area! Which shop do you work at? I work at Bonnie Knits and have been there for the last 2 years!

  5. jackie says:

    Pretty socks.

    And yes! This new Rowan is a winner. Many cute things I want now.

  6. Chris says:

    Cute socks!! I love stripey socks. I haven’t received my IK yet (maybe today??), but I don’t like the sound of the new layout…

  7. stacey says:

    I love those socks! Perfect for upcoming V-Day! I’m missing football also – I got so much knitting done during games!

    Totally agree on the new IK. I think knitters everywhere are a bit up in arms. Hopefully they will listen.

  8. Michelle says:

    What cheerful socks! Love ’em!

    As for the new IK…I can’t begrudge them a layout overhaul, considering they haven’t had one in YEARS. It doesn’t bother me that the patters are in the back now, because I think the way they’ve laid out the pattern pages is gorgeous. At the same time, the mag feels skimpy. And confusing–that the ads are scattered throughout the magazine makes it harder to find the dividing lines between sections.

  9. chris says:

    Lurve the socks! And yeah, I’m with you on the new Interweave layout . . . I’m hoping that I’ll get used to it. When I first glanced at it, I thought the pages with the big pattern pics were actually advertisements.

  10. Cheryl says:

    That little picot edge is so cute!

  11. gleek says:

    oh no. they changed the layout of IK?! shit. that was one thing that i really loved about that magazine. i can’t wait to get mine now and see it for myself.

  12. Arleta says:

    I love your socks! Such pretty colors.

  13. Katie says:

    I HATE IT when they mess with any magazine layout. Often times it results in the magazine no longer being purchased. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

    Great job on the socks.

  14. Jeanie says:

    I had to comment on the new Interweave layout-I too HATE it. I was confused and bugged (guess it doesn’t take much, but yikes). P.S. your socks are great! BTW, any idea of store update? I need some of the Muddy Waters (I think that is the name)-great colorway:)

  15. oooh!! Great socks, love the picot edge and the stripi-ness!

    damn, the knitting festival was this weekend?! damn!

  16. Elinor says:

    I love those socks. I’ve been thinking of ordering some Crazy Colors yarn for a pair myself. I’m totally in love with Regia stripes.

  17. Beth S. says:

    I don’t like the new layout either. But I fear change in general. 😉

    The socks are too cute. Love the little red picot points!