
I think the bastards at St*rb*cks gave me caffeinated coffee. I am a decaf girl. Caffeine makes me
a) hyper 2) chatty and d) if consumed for long periods of time, tense. I’ve already called and chatted with everyone that I knew would answer their phones right now, including my Nonno,(italian for grampa) who turns 83 today. Now I’m going to fill this post with nonstop nonsensical chatter until I get bored and go hit the treadmill to run the rest of the hyper off.

My Runagogo total, not counting today, is 42 miles. I’m pretty happy about that, and intend to hit the halfway mark well before Febuary. I skipped two days last week. One day I ate Chinese food as a nice reward/break for/from healthy living and 22 days with no chocolate (can I also tell you that my light to moderate acne has completely gone away? Yay for detoxing!) and felt that I might puke if I tried to treadmill on a seriously full belly. General Tso’s, Mmm. The other day the little pinky toe on my right foot was bothering me. The nail on it got a little messed up from running, it’s mostly good now, just a bit sore. Other than that I’ve been averaging 2.5 miles a day.
My treadmill faces a wall with some shelves on it, due to lack of space on my ground floor, and the fact that I’m paranoid to move it upstairs in case the floors in my old house give way while I’m on it. So I make the most of not having a window to look out of by placing my 12″ powerbook on the top shelf and watching dvds as I go. This works out superfantastically, and the time flies by.

I’m hoping to be about ten lbs lighter by March first. I feel that’s a reasonable and heathy goal, and if I come even close, I will be happy. Today I pulled on a pair of clean jeans, and they weren’t very tight, cause you know how you always have to stretch out newly cleaned jeans? They loosened up right away. I may be imagining it, being as this is only the 22nd day of all this healthy stuff, but this made me happy, and is just the little bit of insentive to keep going that I need.

What else? Mmm, yesterday I made a pricey purchase on a very good deal. It’s fiber related, but I’m keeping it under wraps at the moment, til I get it cleaned up and ready to use. It has nothing whatever to do with Vesper Sock Yarn, or my business, just so you know. It’s something I felt I would buy in the long run, and since a very good deal came up, I dipped into the savings I never touch and bought it. I am a gearhead.

How bout knitting? I finished the fronts of my green sweater. I did indeed pick up my whiskey sweater and am almost through the second front. When I finish that I’m knitting the sleeves on the green sweater, and finishing that up, then I’ll do the Whiskey back, which I’m kind of dreading. It’s alot of tiny stitches to work across, and will take awhile. This makes me glad I knit the sleeves first. Then after that I can start piecing it together and knit the hood, and the button bands. I like outlaying my knitting plans here first, cause most of the time if I announce them, that’s exactly how they get done.

This post reads like one big run on sentence. Cool.
Okay, I think I’m posted out now. Off to treadmill.

ETA: It is now 1:49 in the AM. I am still UPUPUPUP, despite 4 miles on the t-mill, and 2 Stoli and Tonics at the Hooka bar around the corner. F*cking coffee.

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21 Responses to Running

  1. Emma says:

    Ooh, definitely sounds like a caffeinated post! Good work on all the running. Sounds like it’s paying off.

  2. Marisol says:

    Very Funny… I’m addicted to coffee and feel
    a bit sluggish until I get my cuppa joe in the
    mornings. I have never stopped to think what happens
    if you don’t drink the stuff:)

    Hey maybe you should go and die up some more yarn
    and make extra money heehee. You know it will sell!

  3. Lauren says:

    That is awesome that you have averaged 2.5 miles a day. I got my podcasts and am ready to go, but when I look out my door and see snow or feel how cold it is, I end up not exercising.

  4. Nell says:


    BTW, what kind of shoes are those. They are super cute!

  5. emmy says:

    Love those shoes! Way to go on the runagogo!
    Now you have my curiosity up about what you bought?! I have a guess but I will keep it to myself.

    Sorry about the coffee.

  6. Kathy says:

    You are doing great with the running! Very inspiring to read!

  7. Carole says:

    I noticed you left me a comment in the wee hours of the morning. Hope you’re asleep by now!

  8. Jen says:

    Wow, well, hey, if you’re fired up and used the time to run, so much the better…I guess.

    Funny how I can sleep for hours after I drink regular coffee, but give me decaf and I will be up for two days straight. I think it has something to do with…rabbits. Yes, rabbits! (Meaning I have no idea why that is.)


  9. britt says:

    Wow. you are not kidding that coffee keeps you up. when did you have that cup of coffee??

  10. Chris says:

    Yikes! I hope you finally wound down… Can you send some of your exercise mojo my way?! I am being such a slug this winter…

  11. stacey says:

    That so sounds like me on caffeine! I just can’t stop! At least it gave you some great running energy! Good for you – sounds like both the detoxing and healthy living are paying off!

  12. gleek says:

    🙂 yep, sounds like you got caffeinated accidentally! that happened to me once too and ever since, i don’t drink ANY coffee after 3PM, just in case. maybe some tea but that’s about it. i can’t chance it!

    good progress on the runagogo! i also hope to be about 10-20 pounds lighter come mid-march but only because i’m gonna pop out a baby. is that cheating?

  13. Rachel H says:

    You’re cute when you’re caffinated. :o)

  14. Susanne says:

    You should try some warmed milk when you can’t sleep..(I almost typed warmed milE)..guess your post about jogging sunk in!!:)
    Good luck on hitting your goal and all that knitting too!

  15. Cheryl says:

    Those sneakers are so cute! Good picture. I’m looking forward to seeing this mysterious fiber related piece of equipment. You got my curiosity up!

  16. Juno says:

    You bought a wheel. You totally bought a wheel.

  17. jennifer says:

    oh. my. goodness. you. crack. me. up.
    and you so rock the runagogo!

  18. knitannie says:

    That’s hilarious. I’m the same with coffee. We had a meeting today concerning our house build and the lady gave me coffee then tried to talk to me for an hour solid. I kept butting in because I could not physically keep my mouth shut. Mr KA was kicking me under the table. I like your coffee-high posts. A stream of conciousness is always interesting.

  19. Arleta says:

    Do you type really fast when you’re hyped up from the coffee? hehe

  20. Arleta says:

    Oops. Hit submit too quick. I wanted to say: Way to go on your running!!

  21. michal says:

    Hooray to healthy living! Keep on the good work. When you start seeing how it makes you feel is the best part.